18 November 2008

You Can't Really Tell How Ugly It Is, But ...

... Up Close, Anti-Personal

Dear Carpet Sample:
Not to be rude, but I don't
think we're gonna jive.

17 November 2008

Degree of Difficulty?


Monday. Might as well
go with the ol' mundane flow
and label shiz. Whoop.

12 November 2008

In Tune Out

In Tune Out

A good song plays on
and for three to four minutes
I escape from here.

11 November 2008

Scene of a Crime

Serial Typist

They knew I did it
not e'en anonymously
I typed out my thoughts.

04 November 2008

Vote 4 What You Know :)

Election Day

November the fourth.
History will mark this day
so full of great hopes.

03 November 2008

Conversation 'ku

Looking at It This Way

Think about it. I'm
trapped in at least two boxes.
The cubby. The mind.