28 August 2009

What'd You Say?

Lend Me Your Ear

Oh good. Friday's here!
Less than a day's work to do
flies by with good tunes.

25 August 2009

Livin' On a Prayer

Only Tuesday

Not e'en half way there
Whoa! Livin' on a prayer!
I'll make it I swear.

20 August 2009

Stop Being So Spoiled. The World Is Not A Burger King

Everything Can't Go Your Way

Believe it or not
what goes around comes around.
Time for folks to grow.

19 August 2009


Whiling Away

The time flies and yet
the days, the weeks are endless.
All work, no rewards.

06 August 2009

Nap Tuck

Coma Coda

The day's conclusion,
right after lunch, is just a
dreary illusion.

04 August 2009

The New Suffragette

Tuesday's Loiterer

I suffer this day,
save for moments of prayer,
the right to take leave.